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Year 4 - Beech Class

Welcome to Year 4 - Beech Class!

Who are the staff in Beech Class?

Miss Patterson - Class Teacher

Mrs Eaves - Class LSA

Meet the Teacher Power Point

What does our weekly timetable look like?

       Weekly Timetable

What does the curriculum look like in Year 4?


Transition information

Pupils in Year 4 should be reading at home for a minimum or 20/30 mins a day.  Quizzes can be found using their accelerated reader accounts on .It is vital that they practice their times tables using Times Tables Rockstars ( 

PE days are MONDAYS with Miss Patterson and WEDNESDAYS with Total Sports Coaches. Please ensure your child has a PE kit on those days.  Bringing it on a Monday and leaving it in their locker for Thursday then washing it at weekends is probably the easiest way to work it. 

How do we reward children in Beech Class?

We use the 'Staying on Green' colour system.  We also give out house points when pupils reach yellow and for fantastic effort.