SEND and Inclusion
Inclusion and Equality
Welcome to our Inclusion Web Page
“Inclusion is concerned with all children and young people in schools. It is focused on presence, participation and achievements. Inclusion is seen as a never ending process thus a inclusive school is one on the move.”
Ainscow and Booth 2006.
At St-Nicholas-at-Wade C of E Primary School we are proud of our inclusive ethos and equality of opportunity for all. We strive to achieve the best outcomes for all of our children as individuals and as members of the school community.
As ”A place to belong – A place to grow’ at St. Nicholas we recognise the importance of school staff, parents and pupils working together to ensure inclusive practice.
The Inclusion Leader is also our assistant Headteacher (Mr Neal), so plays a key part in whole-school strategic planning. As well as being a qualified teacher, he has experience of successfully teaching children with a range of learning difficulties.
Whilst all of our teachers are responsible and accountable for the progress and development of the pupils in their class, the Inclusion leader’s role is to lead and support the identification of, and provision for, children with Additional Educational Needs (AEN). This includes children identified with a Special Educational Need (SEN); a disability (SEND); English as an Additional Language (EAL); medical needs or where children have been identified as gifted and talented. The Inclusion Leader works in partnership with pupils, school staff, parents and external agencies where appropriate. We also have a specialist inclusion assistant who is qualified to degree level in Special Educational Needs (Mrs Moon).
The Inclusion Leader oversees our team of highly skilled, dedicated Learning Support Assistants (LSAs) and Higher Level Teaching Assistant. (HLTA). They support the teaching and learning in the classroom and also lead intervention programmes in the afternoon sessions.
In line with the SEND Code of Practice 2014, we use a ‘Graduated Approach’ – a four part cycle (assess-plan-do-review) to secure good outcomes for pupils with SEN.
Please click on link below to read our SEN Policy
Interventions offered at St.Nicholas-at-Wade CEP School:
The ‘Kent Local Offer’ is a response from government to enable parents and carers to find out about services, opportunities and access for children with Special Educational Needs and / or disabilities.
Follow this link to view The Kent Local Offer.
Please click below to see our current SEN report.
We notify parents of children on our SEN register of the extra interventions their child receives seasonally. (At the start of terms 1,3 and 5). In addition we have three outcome meetings per year for this cohort of children.