Term 4 AND 5
Let’s travel back 5000 years, to the dusty realms of Ancient Egypt. Cruise along the Nile, entering a world of mysteries and curses, mummies and kings. Find out about life on the river’s fertile banks, discovering Egypt and its fascinating culture. Unravel the secrets of ancient tombs, using historical sources and ancient artefacts. Find out about powerful pharaohs and grandiose gods. Make yourself a nemes and you’ll really look the part. Become an apprentice and work for Ramose, the chief embalmer at the Beautiful House. Help him prepare a body for its journey into the afterlife. Now open the doorway to Ancient Egypt. Who knows what treasures you will find?
Below is our project knowledge organiser, this gives you more information on what the children will learn this term.
In English this term, we are using the model text, 'The Time Slip Scarab' to develop our ability to create action in our writing.
Our non-fiction text will be to better our understanding of instruction texts.
We will be reading 'Floodland' in whole-class guided reading sessions and begin 'The Last Wild' at the start of term 5.
In maths, we continue with decimals and percentages, moving on to area and perimeter and then statisics.
P.E will be on a TBC