Term 2
Term 2 - Playlist
What’s that noise? A bash? A crash? A shake, a rattle or a low, bass hum? Which do you prefer – an acoustic singer or a booming brass band? A solitary voice singing sweetly and quietly or a magnificent choir lifting the roof? Take out your ear plugs as you journey through the valley of sound and find out about instruments, the sounds they make and how they are produced. Discover how sounds are made and which sounds travel the furthest. Can you hear me over there? Or do I need to TALK MORE LOUDLY?
English - Talk 4 Writing
Non-fiction: Writing an information piece based on 'The Abominable Snowman'
Fiction: Writing a character description. Based on the text 'Charlie and the chocolate factory'
Reading - All reading sessions will be based around on the Iron Man by Ted Huges
Spelling - see Spelling Shed weekly
Maths - Addition and Subtraction. Multiplication and Division A
Times tables - X2
Computing - Animation, Esafety - Privacy and Security
Music - Glockenspiel Stage 1
RE - Incarnation. What is the Trinity?
PE - Dance. Disco dancing routines
Heartsmart - Don't forget to let love in
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