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Term 1


Our topic this term is The Enchanted Woodland!

If you go down to the woods today you’re in for a BIG surprise. Foxes and badgers, voles and mice, beady eyed owls in the swaying tree tops. Beneath the leaves are tiny footprints – animal or imp? You decide. Deciduous or evergreen? Can you match a leaf to its tree? Can you match a petal to its flower? Let’s build a den, stick by stick and branch by branch. Or we could make a teeny tiny home for a woodland fairy. Then let’s party down in the woods with Mr Fox and all his woodland friends. We’d better not get lost. Let’s leave a trail of conkers as we go. At last, it’s time to rest by the woodland fire, listening to stories and toasting our sweet, gooey marshmallows. Yum, yum.