Term 1
Do You Want To Be Friends?
Friends are the family you choose! Do you want to be friends? Would you like to play with me? It’s time to find out more about friendship, being kind and working together.
This term, we’ll take a walk around our school to find out about the adults who work there and their workspaces, taking photos as we go. Back in the classroom, we’ll upload and print our photos to compile a ‘Who’s who?’ display of school staff and even have a go at making maps of our school and learning environments. Working together, we’ll create friendship scenarios using Jelly Babies at the ‘Jelly Babies playground’, and we’ll create a ‘Class jobs board’, allocating responsibilities amongst ourselves. We’ll talk about friendship, being kind and helpful, loneliness, enemies, and the things we like. What is our most cherished possession? In our literacy lessons we’ll discover new words to describe ourselves, and explore mark-making to cretae labels for our self-portraits and friendship pictures. In our mathematics lessons, we’ll share objects fairly, and compare hand and foot sizes with our friends, explore patterns and shapes and investigate numbers 1-5.
At the end of the project, we’ll write a thank-you letter to someone who helps us at home. We’ll also make and bake salt dough hearts to present to a friend.
Help your child prepare for their project
Friends are fabulous! Why not create a ‘friends and family tree’ together out of photos? Use different coloured lines to draw links that represent family, friends or acquaintances. You could also create a ‘treasure chest’ out of the things that make you ‘you’. Which possessions couldn’t you cope without? Alternatively, invite friends round for a get-together and discuss memories of happy experiences you have shared.