Physical and / or Sensory ( P and S)
- Sensory and/or physical needs ( children and young people who require special educational provision because of their disability. This includes vision and hearing impairment – or multi-sensory impairment – and some children with a physical disability who may require additional support to access all the opportunities available to their peers).Please also see our accessibility plan.
What is the Universal offer for P and S?
Support is offered through Quality First Teaching. In EYFS and Year 1 children take part in regular 'Write Dance' sessions.
Adaptations may be made to the physical environment.
What is the Targeted offer for P and S?
The following interventions are used:
- Fizzy
- Clever Hands
- Touch typing
- Handwriting interventions
What is the Specialist Offer for P and S?
Support and guidance may come from a variety of professionals including: Occupational Therapists, Physiotherapists, Health Professionals, Specialist teaching service for Physical Disability.