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Meet the heartsmart Family


‘The wise builder, builds their house on the rock’

We want to give our children something solid to stand on, foundations that will allow them build a future for themselves and others that will be grounded in their own personal character beliefs and values.

At St Nicholas at Wade, we see personal development as a primary aim for educators and know that a school’s contribution to a child’s life goes hand in hand with academic development. We involve our parents in this, as the most important influence on their child’s life, so that we work together to ensure our children have the qualities and character they need to flourish in society. We want our children to leave St Nicholas as honest, courageous, resilient and kind individuals who:

• Can take personal responsibility, so that they are able to control their own actions and responses

• Can build and maintain healthy relationships,

• Can bounce back from setbacks, knowing when to ask for help or when to try a different approach

• Understand the link between physical health and well-being and exercise their body and know how to fuel it with good food

• Respects and values difference and similarity

• Are prepared for modern Britain

• Are courageous for themselves and prepared to be courageous for those who may not have a voice

• Shows kindness and gratitude

•Feels belonging and is prepared to work for the greater good

• Knows that hard work is worth it

• Are Happy

Aristotle’s Nicomachean Ethics:

‘Our actions become our habits, our habits become our character, our character is who we are’


At St Nicholas at wade we will do this through:

  • Our Christian values and the ‘St Nicholas Way’
  • Our behaviour strategy
  • The PSHE and RSE Curriculum
  • Religious Education
  • Worship and assemblies
  • The teaching of British Values
  • Pupil voice
  • The Junior leadership team, head pupils and other positions of responsibility
  • Curriculum enrichment opportunities and extra-curricular provision

The teaching of this is not only taught explicitly but is interwoven through the curriculum, it is in every exchange between pupils and teachers and in every action that is taken.


Key Stage 1 and Key Stage 2 - At Key Stage 1 and 2, PSHE is taught through a clear and comprehensive scheme of work (Heartsmart) in line with the National Curriculum. We have enriched this programme by including values based learning to ensure that our vision is realised and our children have everything they need for their next steps into their next school, their next friendships and into their future.

PSHE is taught through HeartSmart and bespoke unit ‘The St Nicholas Way’ each year group studying the same unit at the same time (at their own level):

Autumn 1: The St Nicholas Way
Autumn 2: Don’t Forget to let Love in

Spring 1: Too much selfie isn’t Healthy

Spring 2: Don’t Rub it in – Rub it Out

Summer 1: Fake is a Mistake

Summer 2: No Way Through, isn’t True

All children have explicit weekly PSHE lessons and there are no interventions during PSHE

However, personal development is implicit in every interaction, lesson and decision taken in school.


Children will:

  • Take personal responsibility, so that they are able to control their own actions and responses
  • Build and maintain healthy relationships,
  • Be resilient and able to face setbacks
  • Know how to keep their mind and body healthy
  • Respect and value difference and similarity
  • Be open-minded, respectful, socially and morally responsible, active members of society in modern Britain
  • Be courageous for themselves and prepared to be courageous for those who may not have a voice
  • Show kindness and gratitude
  • Belong and be prepared to work for the greater good
  • Work hard
  • Find joy and be kind

Subject leaders evaluate the impact of our PSHE curriculum through dedicated 'Subject Weeks'. During these weeks, leaders engage in a comprehensive examination of their subjects, which includes book scrutiny, observing teaching, tracking planning, and conducting pupil conferencing. This thorough approach enables leaders to ascertain the effectiveness of the planned curriculum in enhancing pupils' knowledge, understanding and outcomes in line with the endpoints. The process provides a 360-degree perspective on the intent behind the curriculum, allowing leaders to make informed decisions and strategically plan for subsequent steps to optimise educational outcomes for all students.