Our Christian Values
We marry personal development and academic pursuit as equal partners, giving our children every opportunity to practise being the best they can be in all aspects of school life. We want to send our children out into the world to be positive contributors and informed citizens. We feel strongly that to have a lasting impact, the work we do in school must be focused equally on personal growth and development and academic ability. We have built a curriculum that is underpinned by our Christian vision and values.
We have an unapologetic focus on our Christian values, Courage, Resilience, Honesty, Kindness and Be the best you can be. They are a common language of the school. The adults model these values in every action and interaction in school; the children are taught the values both explicitly and implicitly; the attributes are identified so that children are aware of when they, and others, are using them and the benefits of this, and we celebrate and recognise children as they demonstrate their growing mastery of each.
This is done through:
- Reward stickers
- Values champions
- House points
- A termly focus on each value linked to PSCHE lessons
- Worship
Children demonstrate a keen love for their house (Courage, Resilience, Honesty, Kindness) There is healthy competition which creates a real sense of belonging to each house led by our house captains.
Honesty topped the points table last year!