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Home Learning

What homework is given in Year 1?

There will two parts to Home Learning in Year 1:

Every term, there will be a bank of activities for you to choose from that link carefully to the topic we are learning about in class. You can choose to do one or multiple projects across the term and there will be additional house points for those children that have demonstrated the most effort and creativity. These projects should be brought into school on the last Monday of each term, to allow enough time for them to be celebrated.

Link for the activity bank for term 1.

Link for the activity bank for term 2. 

Link for the activity bank for term 3.

Link for the activity bank for term 4. 

Link for the activity bank for term 5.

Link for the activity bank for term 6.

Every week, there will be shorter tasks set that link directly to work in class. These will consist of weekly spellings and a maths activity that reflects skills we have been practising at school. These tasks will be set every Monday and we would like them returned the following Monday.


Every night, we would like you to read with your child for 10-15 minutes. We do not expect a book to be finished every single night, but a few pages and rich discussion about what has been read is a perfect way to support reading at home. We change children’s books twice a week and this includes 1:1 reading books and a sharing book.