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Communication and Interaction

  • Communication and Interaction (children and young people with speech, language and communication needs, and also likely to apply to children and young people with ASD – including Aspergers and Autism)

Dr Rachel Hussey from NELFT has recently given some talks which were filmed to share with families. She is incredibly knowledgeable and delivers information in a very user-friendly manner for families to understand. Please see below for the links -

Anxiety | Dr Rachel Hussey

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 Sleep | Dr Rachel Hussey

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  • ICAN
    This website offers a range of information services for parents and practitioners that provides help and advice about speech, language and communication for all school-aged children.

    This website supports parents and represents children and young people with speech, language and communication needs.

  • Talking Point
    This website has useful advice for teaching staff around adapting the classroom environment and supplementing teaching approaches.

  • Something Special
    for Makaton signs & symbols, which can be used to support your child’s understanding and use of language whilst they are also developing their verbal skills: can be found on CBeebies and the Makaton Website

  • Find a Voice
    This website provides advice and information about forms of augmentative and alternative communication aids.

  • National Autistic Society
    This website provides information about the diagnosis of autism, as well as useful strategies and advice for children who present with social communication difficulties.

What is our Universal Offer for C and I?

  • All children are screened on entry using Speech / Language Link
  • All teachers use visual resources including: visual timetables, active listening prompts and visual supports to vocabulary 
  • Signage around our school site is supported with visual prompts.

What is our targeted offer for C and I?

  • Follow up interventions from Speech Link
  • Teachers using suggested strategies from Speech / Language link for 'targeted' children
  • If children do not make expected progress we will then discuss and refer for a Speech and Language Assessment.

What is our Specialist Offer for C and I?

  • Work closely with Speech and Language Therapists
  • Carry out 'follow up work' as provided by Speech and Language Therapists
  • Work closely with parents