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Behaviour and Attitudes

We believe that the key to unlocking potential lies in as much in children's hands as it does in teachers. We want to foster excellent behaviour that allows children to understand the impact of their own actions to their growth. To empower them, by instilling self-control and accountability as well as promoting positive behaviours that will stand them on the 'solid rock' both now and for their future. This approach equips our students not only to thrive academically but also to navigate the complexities of life with resilience and integrity. 

Good behaviour is more than sitting quietly, we want our children to:

  • Attend school regularly and on time.
  • Work hard, to be the best they can be
  • Demonstrate our values in all areas of school life, at home and beyond
  • Follow the behaviour strategy
  • Contribute respectfully,
  • Participate,
  • Engage and listen,
  • Enjoy,
  • Collaborate,
  • Keep going when it is difficult,
  • Always try their best,
  • Have high expectations of themselves,
  • Take pride,
  • Work hard,
  • Join in,
  • Play nicely,
  • Help and support each other.